Monday, August 27, 2007

John Butler Trio

Last week John Butler Trio were to play in Canberra.

I had tickets.

Sadly - the drummer was sick - and the concert had to be postponed. (he's all betterer now - thanks for asking!!) Perhaps they'll get back here in October - after they finish their touring in Europe.

In the meantime - I found this instrumental on YouTube - title - 'Searching For Heritage' - (very ironic title for me really) - and just had to share it.

I can't stop playing it.

These guys are good. Check them out - if you haven't already.

I've heard they're awesome live - I'll let you know my verdict when they finally play here.

I can't wait...............
UPDATE 1: they've rescheduled the concert - Monday 29th October - YIPPEEEEE.


(seriously good concert) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JBT is great. I think I saw him up in Byron Bay years ago...